Thank you for your interest in Guitar Methods classes at Holy Trinity! This recent addition to our Fine Arts curriculum is offered to 7th and 8th Grade students regardless of playing experience. Whether your child has had private lessons or is brand new to music, all are eligible to participate!
The 8th Grade Guitar Ensemble performs at least once a semester for the school community alongside the HTCMS Bands. In addition to performance opportunities, students in all Guitar classes are given the skills needed to demonstrate key learning objectives - some of which include:
- Identify basic musical symbols
- Strum rhythms to include whole, dotted half, half, quarter, and eighth notes with corresponding rests
- Identify chord diagrams and play major, minor and dominant seventh chords in first position
- Perform with a metronome or recorded accompaniment
- Play effectively and dependably as part of an ensemble
Please share any Guitar Methods concerns or questions to I look forward to hearing from you!
Ben Ranzinger
Teacher, Band & Guitar