Our Mission and History
Mission Statement
Holy Trinity seeks to nurture each student in mind, body and soul using a Catholic worldview to become a disciple of Christ, while igniting curiosity, emboldening virtue, fostering intellectual growth and shaping compassionate learners who possess a deep sense of responsibility to one another and their community.
Holy Trinity is celebrating it's 30th year of education with the 2024-2025 school year. The school was established in the 1995 with the first 8th grade class graduating in 1996. The school was formed out of local Catholic parish K-8 schools. Those schools all became true elementary schools housing grades K-5 including some with PK and TK classes. The actual campus where Holy Trinity resides on beautiful Park Road in Charlotte once house Charlotte Catholic High School. At the time of the formation of Holy Trinity, the Charlotte Catholic community moved to it's current location on Pineville-Matthews Road approximately 4 miles to the south of Holy Trinity. We are forever grateful to the Sisters of Mercy who helped establish Catholic education in the city of Charlotte. Our largest classroom building (built in 2000) is named after the order.